Monday, July 7, 2008

7-7-08 KJ = On the FRONT Page?

Is that REALLY FPage NEWS?

DON'T think so. And - and WHY? they did it.
Never won anything - Dorf Elfman - wrote about the American Idol Concert.

Why on the front page = The RJ is losing circulation to the Internet, and they are resorting to putting their HATE for ALL to see.

In the article - Dorf has - "sex-and-violence-free "family" show "
Wonder why he left out - DOPE - out,
think it is because of the RJ quest to legalize Dope in NV.


Sunday, May 18, 2008

Probably WON'T see this in the RJ tomorrow.

(05-16) 11:07 PDT FRESNO -- Two Modesto men are
facing mandatory 20-year prison sentences after being convicted of running a
medical-marijuana operation that federal prosecutors labeled a criminal enterprise, authorities said today.

Luke Anthony Scarmazzo, 28, and Ricardo Ruiz Montes, 28, were convicted by a federal jury Fresno on Thursday of conducting a continuing criminal enterprise, growing marijuana and possessing marijuana with the intent to distribute.

The conviction for running a criminal enterprise carries a mandatory sentence of at least 20 years. U.S. District Judge Oliver Wanger is to sentence both men Aug. 4.

Federal officials said the case sends a message to marijuana growers and dealers who believe they are shielded from prosecution under the California law legalizing medical marijuana use.